Health, Safety and Environment - HSE

The strategic vision of SIMI assumes as the main concern the Health and Safety of its direct employees, subcontractors, customers and third parties affected by its activity. Likewise, it views the Environment with high respect, optimizing the use of resources and minimizing impacts.
In the Quality, Safety and Environment Policy, SIMI is committed to fully respecting human rights, the environment and safety and health, contributing to its practices and strategies for sustainable development.
Achieving these goals requires an important commitment at all levels in our organization, and for this reason the Board, together with all Departments, sets out the goals and strategic lines of safety and the environment, which form the basis for defining the objectives and of all the company's business plans. These plans contemplate the necessary actions for the continuous improvement of the management, the investments and associated expenses, and the adaptations to the new legislative requirements.
The presence of SIMI at international markets in several countries and continents is also an important factor in the definition of the policies for the management of Safety, Occupational Health and Environment, always maintaining the high internal standards of exigency in these matters and fulfilling scrupulously the local legal requirements.
Safety Certifications
SIMI was, since 2007, certified according to the requirements of the OHSAS 18001 Standard, having migrated to ISO 45001 in 2021. In 2011, integrated in the internationalization strategy, it obtained the VCA ** certification for Dutch market. Both certifications are integrated in the Integrated Management System of the company and implemented in all installations and works.
Environmental Awareness
SIMI has the environmental management practices in the development of its activity, supported by documentary procedures that aim to comply with the mandatory legal requirements of our clients.
The company influences and promotes training to its employees regarding the awareness and evaluation of the environmental impact of any work and also the responsibility of each one in the performance of their duties.
Recognizing the importance of continuous monitoring of its activity, SIMI has an annual audit plan, which includes internal audits of processes and works, subcontractors, suppliers and service providers most relevant to its activity, in order to improve the performance of the companies that work with us.
Objective ZERO Accidents
In terms of Safety and Health, as a result of actions developed and committed throughout the organization, SIMI's accident rates have been on a downward trajectory and in line with the Policy that outlines the objective of ZERO accidents.
The Environmental performance of SIMI is in high standards and there is no record of any incident since the beginning of the implementation of an action plan in this area.
SIMI has an annual training plan, which covers Health, Safety and Environmental issues. However, given the specific nature of work in several temporary construction sites , there is a total number of trainings that exceed this planning annually.
These actions include training based on legal requirements, evaluation of risks and environmental impacts, on-site training related to work with special hazards, tool-box meetings daily on site, training of equipment maneuvers.